Manea Silver Band logo

Sponsor a banner!

Anyone who has seen Manea Silver Band out and about after last year's relaunch concert will have seen our snazzy new blue and black uniform.
There's only one thing we need to complete the look - banners!

These are the pieces of fitted material every brass band puts on their
music stands, both to identify themselves to passers-by and also to help
stop their music blowing away.

The only problem is they have to be ordered in a batch and they are quite expensive.
On our own we don't think we can afford these. This is where you come in!

A one-off donation of £10 will help sponsor a banner for the band
and help us offset the cost, meaning we can spend more on helping to provide
tuition for learners and new music to entertain you.

In return, we will put your name and, if you would like, a link to the website
of your business or organisation. Anonymous donations are also welcome.


We would like to thank the following people who have already
generously sponsored a banner for the band:

• Dian Blawer from the Upwell Gilbert & Sullivan Society
• Blooms of Doddington, family-run landscape gardeners
• Manea Rose & Crown, your community local pub
• For Marianne Williamson, Hebden Bridge - thanks for all those times you carried my Euphonium up Birchcliffe! Love from your daughter xxx

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